Karmen Moxie

Dec 23, 20232 min


I think the classic saying 'Happy Festivus for the rest of us" was started by a classic American show called Seinfeld. It's a slang created for the rest of us to say that arent affiliated with any kind of religious sector. And I've been using it ever since.

I start celebrating Festivus the weekend before Christmas, which Monday. Naturally, Moscow has private events scattered cross the city. So I will be working from Monday until New Years. This year for Festivus I am taking the time to look back on my success and accomplishments this year. And those times when I thought I would never smile again, I got through it from lessons I learned in 2023...

"Don't let the heavy rain, blind you from your path. Take smaller steps, slow down, even rest. But stay on the path."

So I promised myself to keep showing up for myself, no matter what. I've always been the type to let life distract me, and as an empath I get sucked into the emotional turmoils of others. The when the sun dried up the storm, I'd always regret how much time I wasted focusing on the rain. When I allow my problems to consume me, I become immobile and non productive. I grow inconsistent and any progress that I have made in life and business quickly erodes. My new year's resolution this year was consistency. And I am proud to announce that I stuck with it, and reaping the benefits. It wasnt easy. But it was absolutely worth it. I leave this year filled with happiness, abundance, and solid goals to manifest the hell out of in 2024. This weekend is indeed a festivus celebration for me.

And I am so extremely happy that we made it to the end of the year together. Moxies Foxies is a small but mighty tribe. You have shown up to my shows, subscribed to my website, and shared your life with me. I am proud you are apart of my online community. Next year, YOU are my New Years resolution. I promise to build our tribe through Music and Love Vibes (did you like that rhyme?). Enjoy your holidays, my Friends! Happy Festivus for the Rest of us!

Your Student, Teacher, and Friend......Moxie!