As I was creating one of my “Girl Talk“ polls for a Instagram, this particular clip instantly triggered something in me. In less than 30 seconds this clip explained my life. So In honour of Wonder Woman Wednesday, I have decided to share this clip with you. And a special shout out to the women who are doing it on their own. You’re not alone, girl! I see you!
1. Carrie is when we finally get
the courage to step outsideour comfort zone, and fail.* Margret Cho is the personwho sees our potential, whenwe don't. And encourages usto push ourselves.
2. Demise or Triumph. As long
as the photographer benefits,
he will be by your side. But
doesn't help when we
3. Carries friends represent
our BIGGEST cheerleaders,
that route for us no matter
what…even when they can’t be with us.
My favourite part of the
clip is when Carrie is no longer
afraid of falling, and Struts off
stage. It's strange how our
mistakes help us grow, if we
are dreamers. Am I right?
On a lighter note, do you think Heidi should’ve helped? I say no. She would have thrown off the timing for the rest of the show. But it would have been my reflex to help Carey. What are your thoughts?